Kenza Amar
BEM Bordeaux Management School
Kenza has successively accumulated experience in banking (with Société Générale CIB in structured export finance and with Natixis in utilities and construction industry coverage), in private equity with Attijari Invest in Casablanca and since September 2013, in consultancy when she joined SO-MG Partners as a dedicated restructuring professional.
Kenza speaks French, English and Arabic.
Kenza offers her clients the benefit of her rich and multicultural experience and strives to provide work of the irreproachable quality necessary to help exit periods of crisis with serenity. She has a daily commitment to helping her clients give practical expression to the solutions identified, armed with perseverance and with a smiling countenance.
- Please contact Kenza Amar :
- kamar@so-mg.com
- 06 23 59 33 43